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Sheet Metal Components

Sheet Metal Parts
We offer latest technology to manufacture the best quality sheet metal products. These products are used in a variety of applications in fabrication, construction and general engineering industries. Our sheet metals parts are used in many industries like automobile components, machines, refrigerators and other home appliances.
Sheet Metal Pressed Components
We offer best quality sheet metal pressed components, that are in sync with ISO guidelines and meet the application demands of different industries. The metal used in these components is of superior quality and resists to corrosion, abrasion. We hold expertise to offer these components as per the specific demands of our clients.
Precision Sheet Metal Components
We offer a wide range of precision sheet metal components that are made from high quality metal and steel, used in various industries like automobiles, engineering and also have other industrial applications. These precision sheet metal components are designed and finally manufactured as per the requirement of client by keeping in factors like finishing, durability, tensile strength, etc.
Hydro Mounts
Hydraulic mounting rubber mounts are made with metal molded with special quality rubber. These advanced mounts are very useful for Cars and Trucks.